The Quirindi Show Society Inc.
is proud to present
2025 Quirindi Spring Show
September 13th & 14th 2025
Quirindi Show Society Inc.
Committee Meeting are held 2nd Wednesday of every month 6pm Quirindi RSL Club.
All welcome
Phone: 0428 830091
"The Quirindi Spring Show celebrates the community spirit, agricultural heritage, and local creativity of Quirindi and The Liverpool Plains. Our mission is to provide a vibrant and inclusive event that highlights the talents, traditions, and innovation of the region, fostering connections, promoting education, and supporting local businesses and agriculture. Through engaging activities, competitions, and entertainment, we aim to inspire pride, celebrate diversity, and strengthen the bonds that make The Liverpool Plains community unique."
Members and Associate Members of the Society, upon production of their current Membership Card, will be admitted free to the Society's annual Show.
The Committee reserves the right to alter or delete any clause, condition, event or class in the programme and its decision in all cases shall be final.
Every care will be taken of exhibits, but the Committee will not be responsible for any losses, damage or faults. All persons/organisations compete/exhibit at their own risk, notwithstanding the existence or otherwise of a signed entry/nomination Form.
Every exhibit must be placed by the owner in the pens or position allotted by the Secretary or Steward at or before the hour appointed, after having obtained from the Secretary and fixed to the exhibit a card marked with the class and number of exhibit. An exhibit may not be moved without the sanction of the Steward-in-Charge. The Committee reserves to itself the right to disqualify any exhibit which has been improperly entered or regarding which any false statement has been made.
All stock, poultry and horticulture exhibits to be the bona fide property of the exhibitor and in his/her possession at least one month prior to the Show; and all farm produce and any other exhibits are to be the production of the person exhibiting, unless otherwise specified.
Exhibitors shall if required furnish Statutory Declarations as to age and/or ownership of any exhibit and any exhibitor proved to have knowingly made false entry for any prize, or to have willfully infringed any of the Rules and Regulations shall be subject to any of the following penalties: Forfeiture of entrance fees and prizes; non-permission to exhibit.
Exhibitors may not show labels denoting owners' marks, or leave uncovered rams' horns branded with owners' marks, nor shall any exhibits have attached to them the name of the owner or exhibitor (except where specified in a Section), or any medal, certificate or ribbon previously awarded, until the Judges have made their awards. Penalty: Disqualification.
All livestock and horses must be fed and attended to by Exhibitors who shall be responsible for the cleanliness and proper condition of the pens/stalls at all times during the show. Exhibitors must have a person in attendance to parade exhibits at the hour appointed. All stallions and bulls must be led on the ground and have an attendant constantly in charge of them. Nose rings must be worn by all bulls aged 12 months and over. No wild cattle or unmanageable horses will be allowed to remain on the ground.
In all cases where special prizes are allotted the Society's prize will be withheld. Where there is only one entry in a class, first prize money will be paid only at the direction of the Judge. Prize money and/or trophies should be collected at the show and if unclaimed after 28 days will be retained by the Society. Exhibits, prize money and Trophies are the exhibitor's responsibility to collect.
The decision of the Judge shall be final except where a protest or complaint in writing is lodged with the Secretary on the ground on the day of the show within three hours after notice of award has been issued, and accompanied by a deposit of $50.00, which may be liable to forfeiture. All protests and complaints shall be dealt with by the Committee from whose decision there shall be no appeal.
The Disputes Committee is empowered to make any investigation it deems necessary concerning eligibility of any horse, rider, exhibit or exhibitor, and to impose disqualification or withhold prize money until enquiries are finalised. In the event of any one or more of the five duly-elected Members of the Disputes Committee being unavailable, the President has the power to co-opt sufficient Committee Members to make the number up to five.
Everything sold on the ground by auction shall be subject to a commission payable to the Society of 2-1/2%. No auctioneer shall be allowed to sell unless he becomes a Member of the Society prior to the show and notifies the Secretary of his intention to sell. Time, place and order of sale to be approved by the Secretary. Exhibits shall take precedence of sale.
Stewards must be in attendance on the ground at the hour appointed to receive exhibits and are responsible that the exhibits are properly classed and ready for the judging. Stewards will not say anything to influence the Judge’s decision or reveal the name of any exhibitor or repeat any remark the Judges may make to each other.
Judges will attend on the ground at the hour appointed and report themselves to the Secretary and Stewards of the section. Judges shall have the power to place exhibits in their proper class.
Judges will receive the award papers from the Steward and as they arrive at their decision will at once write the number of the prize exhibit, with any remarks they may desire to make, on the award papers. Judges will each sign the award papers and deliver them to the Steward who will deliver same to the Secretary upon completion of judging. In all instances, Judges will make a second award in case of any protest being upheld. Where there is only one exhibit a Highly Commended Certificate only may be awarded and prize money may be withheld unless Judges feel the exhibit is of sufficient merit to warrant a first prize.