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Frequently Asked Questions

What date is the Quirindi Spring Show held?

The Quirindi Show will be 2 days in 2025 - Saturday the 13th and Sunday 15th September 2025.


How much is the gate entry? 

Gate entry prices can be found on our Admission/Membership page.


What time do the gates open?

The gates open at 6am each day of the Show.


How do I enter the pavilion section?

The entry form is available on the Documents & Forms tab. Fill in the form and drop off the form, fee and exhibit to one of our pavilions on the day and time specified on the specific section information.


What time are the Saturday events on?

The day commences at 9am, specific times will be available once our timetable is finalised


Who do I contact for more information?

If you cant find the answer on this website or our Facebook page please contact the Head Steward of that section in the first instance. Or if your question is not related to a specific section of our show please contact our Show President Lindsay Maybury on 0428 667 323.


Will there be ATM facilities at the Show?

Yes, there will be. We will have an ATM available on the Saturday of the Show. 


Will there be a canteen/food available at the Show?

Yes, there will be stalls and a canteen available at the Show.


Will there be a bar available at the Show?

Yes, a bar will be operating on the pavilion side of the ground on the Saturday of the Show. NO ALCOHOL IS TO BROUGHT ONTO THE GROUNDS.


Where can I go to purchase photos being taken at the Show? 

To be confirmed.


© 2024 Quirindi Show Society Inc.

The 2025 Quirindi Spring Show Theme has been set and the committee is starting to get things organised.

So time to get your thinking caps on and start thinking "what can I make".

We have decided to go with a very open theme, a theme that will have a huge range for you to choose from.

***2025 Theme ***

"Around The World"

"This year's Quirindi Spring Show theme, 'Around the World,' invites you to embark on a global adventure without leaving home. From the vibrant cultures, diverse cuisines, and stunning flags to the unique people and customs of every corner of the Earth, our show will celebrate the beauty and excitement of the world we live in. Join us for a journey that spans continents and cultures, highlighting the wonders of travel and the richness of our shared humanity."

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